Looking for a smartwatch under $50… any recommendations?

Hey, I’m thinking about buying either the Zeblaze Beyond 3 Pro or the Hello Watch 3 Plus. The Hello Watch 3 Plus is a Chinese clone of the Apple Watch, but from what I’ve read in reviews, it seems to be pretty good. I’m not specifically looking for a clone though. I just want something functional with small bezels. Any thoughts?

I’ve reviewed a few thin ones (less than 1cm) that might interest you. You can check them out here.

Tristan said:
I’ve reviewed a few thin ones (less than 1cm) that might interest you. You can check them out here.

Interesting, but I’m not really looking for particularly thin watches.

Sorry, I should have been more specific: The DA09 and H06 have fairly thin bezel-rings. The displays cover 71% and 67% of the total outer area.