Apple Watch SE2 or Garmin Venu SQ2… which one should I pick?

This will be my first smartwatch and I’m looking for something focused on health and fitness tracking. Right now, I’m torn between the Garmin Venu SQ2 and the Apple Watch SE2. My budget is a bit tight, so these are the options I’m considering. I’m wondering if the Garmin is better than the Apple Watch, or if it’s the other way around. I do like the Garmin because it doesn’t have unnecessary features and sticks to fitness tracking. But, I just found out that the sleep tracking on the Apple Watch SE2 is more accurate, at least according to The Quantified Scientist on YouTube. I’m really stuck between these two. I don’t mind missing a couple of features, but accuracy is important to me. Please help me decide!

Garmin is a solid watch. Apple Watches can’t even last a full day sometimes.

Dev said:
Garmin is a solid watch. Apple Watches can’t even last a full day sometimes.

The sleep tracking, which I mentioned, is way better on the Apple Watch SE2, at least for the model I’m looking at. And this is really important to me.

A lot of people complain that their Apple Watch doesn’t even last long enough to track sleep. But it’s your choice if you’re okay with charging the watch twice a day.

Dev said:
A lot of people complain that their Apple Watch doesn’t even last long enough to track sleep. But it’s your choice if you’re okay with charging the watch twice a day.

I actually wanted to go with the SQ2. I even ordered it from Amazon already, but then I came across this video and it made me rethink everything.

Honestly, I think the one you already ordered is a great pick, considering all the features it offers. Sleep tracking is also good on it. But I wouldn’t just base your decision on the sleep tracking alone. It’s up to you, though.

What are you using right now? Have you ever tried the SQ2 or SE2?

Hale said:
What are you using right now? Have you ever tried the SQ2 or SE2?

I’ve used Amazfit and Xiaomi watches. All of them had good sleep tracking, and I found it pretty accurate.

I’d definitely go with the Apple Watch. I tried Garmin before and didn’t like the screen and features.

You could also check out the Huawei Watch Fit 3.